Completed Projects
1. Unexploded Ordnance Clearance in Muş/Malazgirt National Park:
Unexploded ordnance clearance action was conducted at the once 108th Artillery Regiment firing range in Muş/Malazgirt for the establishment of the “Malazgirt Pitch Battle Historical Theme Park.” Cleaned contaminated field was handed over on 17 July 2018.
2. Unexploded Ordnance Clearance in Afyonkarahisar:
Within the context of constructing a martyrs’ monument, dedicated to those who lost their lives in the 05 September 2018 explosion, in the area of responsibility of the 4th Ordnance Regional Command, the contaminated area was cleaned of the scattered unexploded ordnance and handed over on 31 August 2018.
3. Eastern Borders Mine Clearance Project [EBMCP] (Phase II):
In accordance with the stipulations of “The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction” (Ottawa Convention), the Eastern Borders Demining Project [EBMCP] was initiated by the Ministry of Interior in 2012 with the aim of developing border management systems and standards on the eastern borders, congruent with the European Union’s Integrated Border Management policies and strategies; however, just as it was at the tender phase, the project was taken over by Turkish National Mine Action Center [TURMAC] upon a “Protocol” signed on 05 November 2015. Within the context of EBMCP, demining action was undertaken by the Denel MECHEM, and the Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures were conducted by the RPS. Humanitarian demining action was commenced on 04 April 2016 and until 19 November 2019 4.808.807 m2 of land in the Iğdır and Ağrı (Doğubayazıt) region was cleaned, and the discovered 59.587 mines were destroyed.
4. Ardahan/Göle Demining Action:
Gendarmerie Special Mine Search and Destruction Teams [JÖMAT] initiated a demining action in the contaminated sectors overlapping with the area where Public Gardens is planned to be founded in the Göle sub-province, Ardahan province, as of 17 June 2019 and following the completion of the action a quality control activity was launched in the sector on 22-24 September 2020. An area totaling to 88.562 m2 was demined.
Ongoing Projectsler
1. Eastern Borders Mine Clearence Project [EBMCP] (Phase III):
a. Eastern Borders Demining Project: A contract was signed with the tender awardee The Development Initiative Ltd. (TDI)/Altay Endüstriyel Yatırımlar ve Ticaret A.Ş. on 23 March 2021 for the continuation of the demining project planned for the clearance of a 4.2 million m2 mine-contaminated area in the Ardahan, Kars, Iğdır, and Ağrı provinces between the years 2021 and 2023 with the budget obtained within the scope of the IPA-II (2016) set for the development of management policies and strategies for the Eastern borders. Following the mobilization and accreditation procedures, demining action is expected to commence as of June.
b. Non-technical Survey Project: A contract was signed with the tender awardee The Development Initiative Ltd. (TDI)/Altay Endüstriyel Yatırımlar ve Ticaret A.Ş. on 23 March 2021, to be funded by the co-financing obtained from the national budget allocated for the Eastern Borders Demining Project to perform a “Non-Technical Survey” [NTS] work on 3.860 mines and unexploded ordnances contaminated areas including the suspected areas. Following the accreditation procedures, NTS work commenced in Şanlıurfa province as of May 2021.
2. Demining Action in Hatay, Kilis, and Gaziantep provinces:
In order to be able to bring the mined zones on the southern borders of Türkiye to farming and to prevent local people from the effects of the mines, mine clearance action is still being conducted in Hatay, Kilis, and Gaziantep provinces by the Special Mine Search and Destruction Teams.
3. Unexploded Ordnance Clearance at the former Ankara Orhaniye Firing Range:
Unexploded ordnance Discovery and Destruction Unit [PMKI] is conducting an unexploded ordnance clearance action on the 1.2 million m2 of tilled land, formerly used as a firing range, belonging to the Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Training and Research Farm, 33 km on the Ankara-İstanbul highway (Kahramankazan).
4. Unexploded Ordnance Clearance at the former Diyarbakır Ekinciler Firing Range:
Unexploded ordnance clearance action is still being undertaken by a PMKI Team on the land in the Ekinciler region, formerly used as a heavy firing range until 2013, to be made available as a pasture area for the use of public.