

ORGENERAL MEHMET SALİH OMURTAK 1889 yılında İstanbul’da doğdu. Harp Okulunu 1907 yılında teğmen, devam ettiği Harp Akademisini 1910 yılında yüzbaşı olarak (Kurmaylığı 31 Aralık 1911 tarihinde onaylandı.) Trablusgarp Savaşı’na katıldı. 13 Şubat 1911’de Yemen Genel Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Karargâhında kurmay mülhakı, emir subayı ve 1’inci Şube müdürü olarak görev yaptı. 8 Ocak 1914’te Genelkurmay 3’üncü Şubede, 18 Şubat 1914’te 1’inci Kolordu Kurmaylığında görevlendirildi. Bu görevinde iken Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na girildi. 7 Şubat 1915’te 2’nci Ordu Kurmaylığına tayini çıktı. 24 Mayıs 1915’te kurmay kıdemli yüzbaşı, 14 Aralık 1916’da kurmay binbaşı oldu. 29 Haziran 1917’de 4’üncü Kolordu Kurmaylığına atandı. 10 Ekim 1917’de Avrupa harp cephelerini görmek üzere Almanya’ya gönderildi. 27 Aralık 1917’de askerî delege göreviyle Brest Litovsk Barış Konferansı’na gönderildi. 28 Şubat 1918’de 5’inci Ordu Harekât Şube müdürü, 8 Haziran 1918’de Şark Ordular Grubu Harekât Şube müdürü, 12 Ağustos 1918’de 3’üncü Ordu Kurmay başkan yardımcısı, 11 Ocak 1919’da Harbiye Nezareti başyaveri olarak atandı. 1 Ocak 1920’de görevle Ankara’ya geldi ve geri dönmeyerek Millî Mücadele’ye katıldı. Önce Heyeti Temsiliyenin askerî işlerinde görev aldı. 30 Aralık 1920’de Genelkurmay Harekât Şubesi müdür vekilliğine atandı. 1 Mart 1921’de kurmay yarbaylığa yükseldi. 2 Eylül 1921’de Genelkurmay II. başkanı, 2 Ekim 1921’de 61’inci Tümen komutanı oldu. 30 Ağustos 1922’de kurmay albaylığa terfi etti. 12 Ekim 1924’te 3’üncü Ordu kurmay başkanı, 31 Ekim 1924’te 8’inci Kolordu komutan vekili oldu. 30 Ağustos 1926’da tümgeneralliğe terfi eden OMURTAK, 10 Şubat 1927’de 8’inci Kolordu komutanı oldu. 18 Mart 1930’da 9’uncu Kolordu Komutanlığına atandı. 30 Ağustos 1930’da korgeneralliğe terfi etti. 8 Mayıs 1934’te 3’üncü Ordu komutanı olarak tayin edildi. 30 Ağustos 1940’ta orgeneralliğe yükselerek sırasıyla Yüksek Askerî Şûra üyesi, 14 Ocak 1944’te Genelkurmay 2’nci başkanı, 17 Haziran 1946’da 1’inci Ordu müfettişi ve 29 Temmuz 1946’da Genelkurmay başkanı oldu. 8 Haziran 1949’da tekrar Askerî Şûra üyeliğine atandı ve 6 Temmuz 1950’de kendi isteğiyle emekli oldu. Osmanlı Devleti, Alman ve Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorlukları tarafından verilen çeşitli nişan ve madalyalar ile TBMM tarafından verilen İstiklal Madalyası sahibi olan Orgeneral Salih OMURTAK 23 Haziran 1954 tarihinde vefat etmiştir.
GENERAL Mehmet Salih OMURTAK was born in Istanbul in 1889. He graduated from the Military Academy as a lieutenant in 1907 and as a captain in 1910 (his staff was approved on December 31, 1911). He participated in the Battle of Tripolitania. On February 13, 1911, he served as a staff officer, adjutant, and director of the 1st Division at the Headquarters of the General Forces Command of Yemen. On January 8, 1914, he was assigned to the 3rd Branch of the General Staff, and on February 18, 1914, to the Staff of the 1st Corps. While in this position, the First World War broke out. On February 7, 1915, he was assigned to the 2nd Army Staff. He became a staff senior captain on May 24, 1915, and a staff major on December 14, 1916. On June 29, 1917, he was appointed to the 4th Army Corps Staff Office. On October 10, 1917, he was sent to Germany to see the European war fronts. On December 27, 1917, he was sent to the Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference as a military delegate. On February 28, 1918, he was appointed as the director of the 5th Army Operations Department; on June 8, 1918, as the director of the Eastern Army Group Operations Department; on August 12, 1918, as the deputy chief of staff of the 3rd Army; and on January 11, 1919, as the chief aide-de-camp to the Ministry of War. On January 1, 1920, he came to Ankara on a mission, did not return, and joined the Turkish War of National Sovereignty. First, he took part in the military affairs of the delegation. On December 30, 1920, he was appointed acting director of the General Staff Operations Department. On March 1, 1921, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. On September 2, 1921, he became the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, and on October 2, 1921, he was appointed the commander of the 61st Division. On August 30, 1922, he was promoted to staff colonel. On October 12, 1924, he was appointed the 3rd Army Chief of Staff and, on October 31, 1924, acting commander of the 8th Army Corps. Promoted to major general on August 30, 1926, he became commander of the 8th Army Corps on February 10, 1927. On March 18, 1930, he was appointed commander of the 9th Army Corps. On August 30, 1930, he was promoted to lieutenant general. On May 8, 1934, he was appointed commander of the 3rd Army. On August 30, 1940, he was promoted to the rank of general and became a member of the Supreme Military Council; on January 14, 1944, he became the Deputy Chief of the General Staff; on June 17, 1946, he became the Inspector of the 1st Army; and on July 29, 1946, he became the Chief of the General Staff. On January 3, 1949, he was granted medical leave for three months, which was extended for another three months, and he was sent to the United States for treatment. While he was on leave, he was replaced by the commander of the 1st Army, Nuri YAMUT. On June 8, 1949, he was again appointed as a member of the Military Council and retired voluntarily on July 6, 1950. General Mehmet Salih OMURTAK, who was conferred various orders and medals by the Ottoman State, German and Austro-Hungarian Empires, and the Medal of Independence given by the Turkish Grand National Assembly, passed away on June 23, 1954, in Ankara.