

Orgeneral Mehmet Sabit NOYAN 1887 yılında İstanbul’da doğdu. Harp Okulundan 1905 yılında teğmen, devam ettiği Harp Akademisinden 1908 yılında mümtaz yüzbaşı olarak mezun oldu. 1911 yılına kadar ordunun çeşitli kademelerinde görev aldı. 24 Mayıs 1911’de 18’inci Tümen Kurmay Başkanlığına atandı ve bu görevle Balkan Savaşı’na katıldı. 10 Ağustos 1913’te 6’ncı Ordu Kurmayında görevlendirildi. 1 Eylül 1913’te kıdemli yüzbaşı oldu. 8 Ocak 1914’te Müstakil 22’nci Hicaz Tümeni Kurmaylığına atandı. 19 Ağustos 1914’te binbaşılığa terfi etti. Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na Müstakil 22’nci Hicaz Tümeni Kurmaylığındaki göreviyle başladı ve 8 Temmuz 1915’te 22’nci Hicaz Tümeni kurmay başkanı oldu. 23 Eylül 1916’da Taif’te esir düştü ve Mısır’a götürüldü. 21 Temmuz 1919’da esaretten döndü. 6 Ağustos 1919’da İstanbul’da Genelkurmay 4’üncü Şube müdürü oldu. 8 Aralık 1920’de Anadolu’ya geçerek Millî Mücadele’ye katıldı. 10 Şubat 1921’de atandığı Ankara Subay Adayları Talimgâh Müdürlüğü görevine devam ederken 1 Mart 1921’de yarbaylığa terfi etti. 4 Haziran 1921’de Batı Cephesi emrinde 61’inci Tümen 190’ıncı Alay komutanı, 19 Ekim 1921’de Askerî Okullar müfettiş muavini, 1 Şubat 1922’de 6’ncı Tümen Piyade komutanı (tugay komutanı eşiti), 9 Ağustos 1922’de 1’inci Ordu kurmay başkanı yardımcısı olarak atandı. 31 Ağustos 1922’de albaylığa yükseldi ve müteakiben 4 Eylül 1922’de 57’nci Tümen Komutanlığına getirildi. 10 Kasım 1924’te Genelkurmay İstihbarat Daire Başkanlığı görevine getirildi ve bu görevde iken 30 Ağustos 1927’de tümgeneralliğe terfi etti. 8 Kasım 1927’de 5’inci Kafkas Tümen komutanı, 26 Ekim 1928’de 5’inci Kolordu komutan vekili, 13 Nisan 1931’de 3’üncü Ordu kurmay başkanı, 1 Ocak 1933’te MSB kara müsteşarı, 2 Haziran 1934’te 20’nci Tümen komutanı, Nisan 1935’te 2’nci Kolordu komutanı olarak görevlendirildi. 30 Ağustos 1935’te korgeneralliğe terfi etti. 27 Temmuz 1938’de Genelkurmay eğitim başkan muavini, 13 Haziran 1940’ta 1’inci Kolordu komutanı, 25 Kasım 1941’de Örfi İdare (Sıkıyönetim) komutanı, 29 Şubat 1944’te İstanbul komutanı (Sıkıyönetim Komutanlığı uhdesinde kalmak üzere) olarak atandı. 29 Ağustos 1945’te 3’üncü Ordu komutanı olarak atanan NOYAN, bir gün sonra 30 Ağustos 1945’te orgeneralliğe terfi etti. 31 Ocak 1946’da Yüksek Askerî Şûra üyesi olarak atandı. 18 Mayıs 1948’de emekli oldu. Osmanlı Devleti tarafından verilen çeşitli nişan ve madalyalar ile TBMM tarafından verilen İstiklal Madalyası sahibi olan Orgeneral Sabit NOYAN 1967 yılında vefat etmiştir.
General Mehmet Sabit NOYAN was born in Istanbul in 1887. He graduated from the Military Academy as a lieutenant in 1905 and from the Military Academy in 1908 as a distinguished captain. He served at various levels of the army until 1911. On May 24, 1911, he was appointed to the 18th Division Chief of Staff Office and participated in the Balkan War. On August 10, 1913, he was assigned to the 6th Army Staff Office. On September 1, 1913, he became a senior captain. On January 8, 1914, he was appointed to the Autonomous 22nd Hejaz Division Staff Office. On August 19, 1914, he was promoted major. He began fighting in the First World War in the Autonomous 22nd Hejaz Division Chief of Staff’s Office and became the Chief of Staff of the Autonomous 22nd Hejaz Division on July 8, 1915. On September 23, 1916, he was captured in Ta’if and taken to Egypt. Returning from captivity on July 21, 1919, he was appointed as the director of the General Staff 4th Division in Istanbul on August 6, 1919. On December 8, 1920, he went to Anatolia and joined the Turkish War of National Sovereignty. On February 10, 1921, he was appointed to the Ankara Officer Candidates Training Directorate, and on March 1, 1921, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. On June 4, 1921, he was appointed commander of the 61st Division, 190th Regiment, affiliated to the Western Front Command; on October 19, 1921, he was tasked as the inspector of military schools; on February 1, 1922, as commander of the 6th Infantry Division (with a rank equivalent to a brigade commander); and on August 9, 1922, as deputy chief of staff of the 1st Army. He was promoted to colonel on August 31, 1922, and subsequently commanded the 57th Division on September 4, 1922. On November 10, 1924, he was appointed Chief of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, and while in this position, he was promoted to major general on August 30, 1927. On November 8, 1927, he was appointed to the command of the 5th Caucasian Division; on October 26, 1928, acting commander of the 5th Army Corps; on April 13, 1931, of the 3rd Army Chief of Staff; on January 1, 1933, undersecretary of the Ministry of National Defense; on June 2, 1934, commander of the 20th Division; and in April 1935, as the commander of the 2nd Army Corps. On August 30, 1935, he was promoted to lieutenant general. On July 27, 1938, he was appointed as the deputy chief of training of the General Staff; on June 13, 1940, as the commander of the 1st Corps; on November 25, 1941, as the commander of the state of Martial Law; and on February 29, 1944, as the commander of Istanbul (keeping the command of the state of Martial Law under his responsibility). NOYAN, who was appointed as the commander of the 3rd Army on August 29, 1945, was promoted to general a day later, on August 30, 1945. On January 31, 1946, he was appointed as a member of the Supreme Military Council. He retired on May 18, 1948. General Mehmet Sabit NOYAN, who was conferred various orders and medals by the Ottoman State and given the Medal of Independence by the Turkish Grand National Assembly, passed away in 1967, in İstanbul.