Lieutenant General
Korgeneral Mehmet Kenan DALBAŞAR 1888 yılında İstanbul’da doğdu. Harp Okulundan 1902’de teğmen rütbesiyle mezun oldu. 1908 yılına kadar ordunun çeşitli kademelerinde görev aldı. 15 Mart 1908’de üsteğmenliğe terfi etti. 1909 yılında girdiği Harp Akademisinden 1912 yılında mümtaz yüzbaşı olarak mezun oldu. (Kurmaylığı 4 Kasım 1913’te onaylandı.) Harp Akademisi 3’üncü sınıf öğrencisi iken Trablusgarp Savaşı’na katıldı. Balkan Savaşı’nda Bağımsız Süvari Tugayı kurmay başkanı olarak görev yaptı ve akabinde 14 Ekim 1913’te Türk-Bulgar Sınır Komisyonunda görevlendirildi. 15 Aralık 1913’te Genelkurmay 1’inci ve müteakiben 3’üncü Şubeye atandı. 1 Mart 1914’te kurmay kıdemli yüzbaşılığa terfi etti. 6 Mayıs 1914’te tekrar Bulgar Sınır Komisyonuna atandı. 8 Temmuz 1914’te Ordu Dairesi 1’inci Şubede görevlendirildi. Bu görevinde iken Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na girildi. 3 Ağustos 1915’te Mürettep Süvari Tugay kurmay başkanı oldu. 14 Aralık 1915’te binbaşılığa yükseldi. 20 Şubat 1916’da 13’üncü Kolordu Kurmay Başkanlığına atandı. 1918’de Alman Batı Cephesi’ni görmek üzere Almanya’ya gönderildi. 1 Mart 1918’de kurmay yarbay olan DALBAŞAR, 11 Ağustos 1918’de 5’inci Tümen Komutanlığına atandı. İstiklal Savaşı’nda 29 Eylül 1921’de 41’inci Tümen komutanı,
25 Nisan 1922’de Adana Bölgesi komutanı olarak 13 Haziran 1922’de de Garp Cephesi emrinde görevlendirildi. 1 Eylül 1922’de kurmay albay oldu ve 29 Eylül 1923’te Harp Akademisi müdür vekilliği ve tabiye öğretmenliğine atandı. 20 Eylül 1925’te 1’inci Tümen komutanı, 23 Ocak 1926’da Genelkurmay Harekât Dairesi başkanı, daha sonra Genelkurmay II. başkanı oldu. 30 Ağustos 1926’da tümgeneralliğe yükseldi. 14 Aralık 1929’da 7’nci Tümen komutanı iken 30 Ağustos 1931’de korgeneralliğe terfi etti. 13 Şubat 1931’de 7’nci Kolordu Komutanlığına atandı. Osmanlı Devleti ve Alman İmparatorluğu tarafından verilen çeşitli nişan ve madalyalar ile TBMM tarafından verilen İstiklal Madalyası ve takdirname sahibi olan Korgeneral Mehmet Kenan DALBAŞAR 7 Mart 1935’te vefat etmiştir.
Lieutenant General Mehmet Kenan DALBAŞAR was born in Istanbul in 1888. He graduated from the Military Academy as a lieutenant in 1902. He served in varied positions in the army until 1908. He was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant on March 15, 1908. He entered War College in 1909 and graduated from there as distinguished captain in 1912. (His staff position was approved on November 4, 1913.) He participated in Turco-Italian War when he was 3rd grade student at the War College. He served as the chief of staff of the Independent Cavalry Brigade in Balkan War and subsequently, was assigned to Turkish-Bulgarian Border Commission on October 14, 1913. He was appointed to the 1st and later 3rd Section of General Staff on December 15, 1913. He was promoted to the rank of staff lieutenant commander on March 1, 1914. He was re-appointed to Bulgarian Border Commission on May 6, 1914. He was assigned to 1st Section of Army Office on July 8, 1914. While he was on this duty, the First World War was entered. He became chief of staff of the Dispositional Cavalry Brigade on August 3, 1915. He was promoted to the rank of major on December 14, 1915. He was appointed as the Chief of Staff of the 13th Corps on February 20, 1916. In 1918, he was sent to Germany to observe Western Front of Germany. DALBASAR who became staff lieutenant colonel on March 1, 1918 was appointed to 5th Division Command on August 11, 1918. During the War of Independence, he was assigned as the commander of the 41st Division on September 29, 1921, as the commander of Adana Region on April 25, 1922 and placed under the command of Western Front on June 13, 1922. He became staff colonel on September 1, 1922 and was appointed as the deputy director of the War College and military tactics (tabiye) instructor on September 29, 1923. He became commander of the 1st Division on September 20, 1925, the chief of General Staff Operations Department and later Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff. He was promoted to the rank of major general on August 30, 1926. He became commander of the 7th Division on December 14, 1929. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general on August 30, 1931. He was appointed to 7th Corps Command on February 13, 1931. Lieutenant General Mehmet Kenan DALBASAR who had various decorations and medals decorated by the Ottoman Empire and German Empire as well as the Independence Medal and the letter of appreciation (takdirname) decorated by Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA), passed away on March 7, 1935.