

Major General
Tümgeneral Mehmet Hayri TARHAN 1880 yılında Tırnovacık’ta doğdu. Harp Okulundan 1902 yılında teğmen, devam ettiği Harp Akademisinden 1905 yılında kurmay yüzbaşı olarak mezun oldu. 20 Haziran 1907’de kurmay kıdemli yüzbaşılığa terfi etti. 1911 yılına kadar ordunun çeşitli kademelerinde görev aldı. 27 Kasım 1911’de kurmay binbaşı oldu ve aynı tarihte 3’üncü Ordu Müfettişliği Kurmaylığına atandı. Balkan Savaşı’na bu görevle katıldı. 30 Kasım 1913’te 1’inci Ordu Kurmaylığına, 30 Ocak 1914’te Harp Okulu Müdür Yardımcılığına atandı. 18 Şubat 1914’te tekrar 1’inci Ordu Müfettişliği Kurmaylığına, 3 Ağustos 1914’te 2’nci Ordu Kurmaylığına atandı. Bu görevinde iken Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na girildi ve sonrasında 2’nci Kolordu kurmay başkanı olarak atandı. 1 Mayıs 1915’te 16’ncı Kolordu kurmay başkanı, 15 Mayıs 1915’te grup teşkilatına geçilmesiyle Saros Grubu kurmay başkanı, Ağustos 1915’te Anafartalar Grubu kurmay başkanı, 30 Ağustos 1915’te Anafartalar Grup Komutanlığının iki kısma ayrılması üzerine sağ kanatta 2’nci Mürettep Kolordu kurmay başkanı olarak atandı; daha sonra 16’ncı Kolordu Karargâhının teşkil edilmesi üzerine bu birlikte kaldı. 26 Eylül 1915’te 15’inci Kolordu kurmay başkanı olarak atandı. Ocak 1916’da aynı Kolorduyla Keşan’a gitti. 14 Mart 1916’da kurmay yarbaylığa yükseldi. 1916 yılı Ağustos ayı sonunda 15’inci Kolordu ile Galiçya Cephesi’ne gitti ve buradaki muharebelere katıldı. 10 Ekim 1916’da 42’nci Tümen komutan vekili, 9 Nisan 1917’de Tümen komutanı olarak atandı. 7 Mayıs 1918’de Filistin Cephesi’nde 26’ncı Tümen komutanı, 3 Kasım 1918’de 7’nci Ordu kurmay başkanı, 11 Ocak 1919’da Askerî Okullar Genel Müfettiş Yardımcılığına getirildi. 21 Haziran 1920’de Anadolu’ya geçerek Millî Mücadele’ye katıldı. Millî Mücadele’de önce Adana Cephesi kurmay başkanı, 23 Kasım 1920’de 9’uncu Tümen komutanı olarak atandı. 1920 yılında tekrar Adana Cephesi kurmay başkanı, daha sonra Maraş Tümen komutanı oldu. 1 Mart 1921’de kurmay albaylığa terfi etti. Temmuz 1921’de Yahşihan Menzil müfettişi iken Antep Bölge komutanı olarak atandı. Daha sonra Fransa’yla imzalanan Ankara Anlaşması’nın 8’inci maddesi gereğince oluşturulan Sınır Belirleme Komisyonuna memur edildi. Bu görevini tamamladıktan sonra tekrar Antep Bölge Komutanlığına atandı. 24 Mayıs 1922’de Antep Bölge Komutanlığının lağvı üzerine Askerî Okullar Genel Müfettişliğine tayin edildi. 4 Temmuz 1922’de Levazımat-ı Umumiye Başkanlığına tayin oldu. 11 Temmuz 1923’te Harp Okulu müdürü, 25 Ekim 1925’te Bükreş askerî ataşesi olarak atandı. 15 Nisan 1928’de ulaştırma sınıfına geçirildi ve ulaştırma müfettişi oldu. 30 Ağustos 1929’da tümgeneralliğe terfi eden TARHAN, bu görevinde iken 10 Aralık 1934’te emekli oldu. Osmanlı Devleti ve Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorluğu tarafından verilen çeşitli nişan ve madalyalar ile TBMM tarafından verilen İstiklal Madalyası sahibi olan Tümgeneral Mehmet Hayri TARHAN, 11 Aralık 1934’te vefat etmiştir.
Major General Mehmet Hayri TARHAN was born in Tırnovacık in 1880. He graduated from the Military Academy as a lieutenant in 1902, and from the War College, where he attended, as a staff captain in 1905. On June 20, 1907, he was promoted to staff lieutenant commander. He served in various echelons in the army until 1911. He became a staff major on November 27, 1911 and was appointed as the Staff Officer of the 3rd Army Inspectorate on the same date. He entered the Balkan War with this duty. He was appointed as the Staff Officer of the 1st Army on November 30, 1913, and as the Deputy Director of the Military Academy on January 30, 1914. On February 18, 1914, he was appointed again as the Staff Officer of the 1st Army Inspectorate, and on August 3, 1914, as the Staff Officer of the 2nd Army. While he was on this duty, the First World War was entered and he was subsequently appointed as the chief of staff of the 2nd Corps. He was appointed as the chief of staff of the 16th Corps on May 1, 1915, chief of staff of the Saros Group with the transition to a group organization on May 15, 1915, chief of staff of the Anafartalar Group on August 1915, on August 30, 1915, after the Anafartalar Group Command was divided into two parts, he was appointed as the chief of staff of the 2nd Dispositional Corps on the right wing; later, upon the establishment of the 16th Corps Headquarters, he remained in this unit. He was appointed as the chief of staff of the 15th Corps on September 26, 1915. He went to Keşan with the same Corps in January 1916. He was promoted to staff lieutenant colonel on March 14, 1916. At the end of August 1916, he went to the Galicia Front with the 15th Corps and participated in the battles there. He was appointed as the acting commander of the 42nd Division on October 10, 1916, and as the Division commander on April 9, 1917. He was appointed as the commander of the 26th Division on the Palestine Front on May 7,1918, as the chief of staff of the 7th Army on November 3, 1918, as the Deputy General Inspector of Military Schools on January 11, 1919. He went to Anatolia on June 21, 1920 and participated in the War of Independence. During the War of Independence, he was first appointed as the chief of staff of the Adana Front and as the commander of the 9th Division on November 23, 1920. In 1920, he became the chief of staff of the Adana Front again, and later the commander of the Maraş Division. He was promoted to staff colonel on March 1, 1921. In July 1921, while he was Yahşihan Range inspector, he was appointed as Antep Sector Commander. Later, he was appointed to the Border Determination Commission, which was established in accordance with Article 8 of the Ankara Agreement signed with France. After completing this duty, he was reappointed as Antep Sector Commander. Following the abolition of the Antep Sector Command on May 24, 1922, he was appointed as the General Inspector of Military Schools. On July 4, 1922, he was appointed as the head of the Office of Quartermaster General. He was appointed as the director of the Military Academy on July 11, 1923, and military attache to Bucharest on October 25, 1925. On April 15, 1928, he was converted to the transportation corps and became a transportation inspector. TARHAN, who was promoted to major general on August 30, 1929, retired on December 10, 1934 while he was on this duty. Major General Mehmet Hayri TARHAN, who was the owner of various decorations and medals given by the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Medal of Independence given by the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA), passed away on December 11, 1934.