Lieutenant General
Korgeneral Kemalettin Sami GÖKÇEN 1884 yılında Sinop’ta doğdu. Mühendishane-i Berri Hümayundan 1905 yılında teğmen, devam ettiği Harp Akademisinden 1908 yılında kurmay yüzbaşı olarak mezun oldu. 1912 yılına kadar ordunun çeşitli kademelerinde görev aldı. 1912 yılında öğrenim için Almanya’ya gönderildi. Bir süre sonra yurda dönerek Balkan Savaşı’nda Yanya Kolordusu 1’inci Şube müdürü olarak tayin edildi. Bu görevi sırasında kolundan yaralandı. 15 Aralık 1913’te Genelkurmay 2’nci Şube (İstihbarat) müdür yardımcısı olarak atandı. 1 Mart 1914’te kurmay binbaşılığa terfi eden GÖKÇEN, 20 Mayıs 1914’te Karadeniz Boğazı İstihkâm İnşaat Komisyonu başkanı, sonra bu müstahkem mevkinin istihkâm subayı oldu. Bu görevinde iken Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na girildi. 25 Ocak 1915’te Karadeniz Boğazı Müstahkem Mevki Komutanlığı kurmay başkanı, 11 Temmuz 1915’te Çanakkale Kuzey Grubu (3’üncü Kolordu) kurmayı olarak hizmet etti. 1 Eylül 1915’te Çanakkale’de yaralandığından Genel Karargâh İstihbarat Şubesine alındı. 29 Eylül 1915’te Şehzade Ömer Faruk Efendi ile Avrupa’ya gitti. 25 Şubat 1917’de 2’nci Bulgar Ordusu Karargâhında irtibat subayı, 2 Mayıs 1917’de İstihkâm Kıtaları ve Müstahkem Mevkiler Genel Müfettişliği kurmay başkanı oldu. 18 Ağustos 1917’de Hicaz Seferi Kuvvetleri kurmay başkanı oldu. Bu görevinde iken 20 Ekim 1917’de kurmay yarbaylığa yükseldi. 28 Ocak 1918’de 8’inci Kolordu Kurmay Başkanlığına getirildi. 8 Mayıs 1918’de Ukrayna Askerî Ataşeliğine atandı. 6 Haziran 1918’de Kuzey Kafkas Ordusu kurmay başkanı, 8 Haziran 1918’de 9’uncu Ordu menzil müfettişi, 20 Haziran 1918’de 10’uncu Kafkas Tümeni komutan vekili olarak atandı. 13 Ekim 1919’da İstanbul Muhafızlığı ve 25’inci Kolordu komutan yardımcılığına, 27 Ekim 1919’da 10’uncu Kafkas Tümen Komutanlığına atandı. 22 Kasım 1920’de Millî Mücadele’ye katılmak üzere Ankara’ya geldi. Ankara komutanı olarak görevlendirildi. 18 Aralık 1920’de Ankara Komutanlığına ilaveten 1’inci Tümen komutanı oldu. 1 Mart 1921’de kurmay albay olan GÖKÇEN, 4 Mayıs 1921’de 4’üncü Grup Komutanlığına, 13 Eylül 1921’de 4’üncü Kolordu Komutanlığına atandı. 31 Ağustos 1922’de tümgeneralliğe yükseldi. 1923-1924’te Sinop milletvekilliği yapan GÖKÇEN, 3 Ağustos 1924’te izinli addedilerek Berlin Büyükelçiliğine atandı. Bu görevde iken 30 Ağustos 1926’da korgeneral oldu. 24 Eylül 1928’de askerlikten emekliye ayrıldı. 1924-1934’te Berlin büyükelçisi olarak görev yaptı. Osmanlı Devleti, Alman İmparatorluğu ve Afganistan tarafından verilen çeşitli nişan ve madalyalar ile TBMM tarafından verilen İstiklal Madalyası ve takdirname sahibi olan Korgeneral Kemalettin Sami GÖKÇEN, 15 Nisan 1934’te vefat etmiştir.
Lieutenant General Kemalettin Sami GOKCEN was born in Sinop in 1884. He graduated from Mühendishane-i Berrî-i Hümâyûn (Imperial School of Military Engineering) as a lieutenant in 1905, and from the War College as a staff captain in 1908. He served in varied positions in the army until 1912. He was sent to German for education in 1912. After a while, he returned homeland and was appointed as the director of 1st Section of Ioannina (Yanya) Corps during Balkan War. He was injured in his arm during this duty. He was appointed as the deputy director of the 2nd Section (Military Intelligence) of General Staff on December 15, 1913. GOKCEN promoted to the rank of staff major on March 1, 1914, became the Chief of the Bosphorus Military Construction Commission on May 20, 1914 later the engineer officer of this fortress. During his duty the First World War was entered. He served as the chief of staff of the Bosphorus Command Fortress, as the staff officer of the Çanakkale Norhern Group (3rd Corps) on July 11, 1915. Due to his injury in Çanakkale on September 1, 1915, he was transferred to Intelligence Section of General Headquarters. He went to Europe with the Prince Omer Faruk Efendi on September 29, 1915. He became liaison officer in the 2nd Bulgarian Army Headquarters on February 25, 1917, the chief of staff of the General Inspectorate of Engineer Troops and Fortresses on May 2, 1917. He became the chief of staff of the Hejaz Expeditionary Forces on August 18, 1917. While on this duty, he was promoted to the rank of staff lieutenant colonel on October 20, 1917. He was assigned as the Chief of Staff of the 8th Corps on January 28, 1918. He was appointed to the Military Attaché of Ukraine on May 8, 1918. He was appointed as the chief of staff of the Northern Caucasian Army on June 6, 1918; as the range inspector of the 9th Army on June 8, 1918; as the deputy commander of the 10th Caucasian Division on June 20, 1918. He was appointed as the Guard of Istanbul and the commander of the 25th Corps on October 13, 1919; as the Commander of the 10th Caucasian Division on October 27, 1919. He went to Ankara to participate in the War of Independence on November 22, 1920. He was assigned as the commander of Ankara. In addition to being the Commander of Ankara, he became the commander of the 1st Division on December 18, 1920. GOKCEN who became staff colonel on March 1, 1921, was appointed to the 4th Group Command on May 4, 1921, to the 4th Corps Command on September 13, 1921. He was promoted to the rank of major general on August 31, 1922. GOKCEN who served as a deputy for Sinop between 1923 and 1924, was deemed on leave and appointed to the Berlin Embassy on 3 August 1924. While he was on this duty, he became lieutenant general on August 30, 1926. He retired from military service on September 24, 1928. He served as ambassador of Berlin between 1924 and 1934. Lieutenant General Kemalettin Sami GOKCEN who had various decorations and medals decorated by the Ottoman Empire, German Empire and Afghanistan as well as the Independence Medal and the letter of appreciation (takdirname) decorated by Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA), passed away on April 15, 1934.