Lieutenant General
Korgeneral Kâzım İNANÇ 1880 yılında Diyarbakır’da doğdu. Harp Okulundan 1900 yılında teğmen, devam ettiği Harp Akademisinden 1902 yılında kurmay yüzbaşı olarak mezun oldu. 9 Mart 1905’te kurmay kıdemli yüzbaşı, 14 Haziran 1909’da kurmay binbaşı oldu. 1911 yılına kadar ordunun çeşitli kademelerinde görev aldı. 1911-1912 yıllarında Alman ordusunda eğitim gördü. Balkan Savaşı’nda Şarki Rumeli Ordusu 3’üncü Şube müdürü olarak görev yaptı. 10 Ağustos 1913’te Roma Askerî Ataşeliğine atandı. 3 Ağustos 1914’te 1’inci Ordu İstihbarat Şube Müdürlüğüne getirildi. Bu görevinde iken Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na girildi. 29 Kasım 1914’te 1’inci Ordu Harekât Şube müdürü, 12 Şubat 1915’te 1’inci Ordu kurmay başkanı olarak atandı. 7 Mart 1915’te kurmay yarbaylığa terfi eden İNANÇ, müteakiben 15 Mart 1915’te 5’inci Ordu Kurmay Başkanlığına getirildi. 14 Aralık 1915’te kurmay albay oldu. 12 Haziran 1917’de Yıldırım Ordular Grubu Kurmay Başkanlığına getirildi. 1 Mart 1918’de tümgeneralliğe yükseldi ve 5 Kasım 1918’de Genelkurmay II. başkanı olarak atandı. 11 Nisan 1920’de görevinden azledildi. 27 Haziran 1920’de Millî Mücadele’ye katılmak üzere Ankara’ya geldi. TBMM Başkanlığı emrinde olarak Batı Cephesi Komutanlığı bölgesinde emniyet, asayiş ve asker alma işlemlerini yürütmekle görevlendirildi. 12 Kasım 1920’de Millî Savunma Bakanlığı Müsteşarlığı, 8 Ağustos 1921’de Başkomutanlık Kalemi Başkanlığı, 21 Mart 1922’de 6’ncı Kolordu Komutanlığına getirildi. 4 Ekim 1924’te korgeneralliğe yükselen İNANÇ, 7 Ekim 1924’te 9’uncu Kolordu komutanı, 31 Ekim 1924’te 3’üncü Ordu komutanı oldu. 20 Haziran 1925’te görevinden istifa etti. 22 Ağustos 1926’da Samsun Valiliğine getirildi. 21 Ekim 1928’de emekli oldu. Osmanlı Devleti, Romanya, Alman ve Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorlukları tarafından çeşitli nişan ve madalyalar ile TBMM tarafından verilen İstiklal Madalyası ve takdirname sahibi olan Korgeneral Kâzım İNANÇ, 21 Eylül 1938’de vefat etmiştir.
Lieutenant General Kâzım INANC was born in Diyarbakır in 1880. He graduated from the Military Academy as a lieutenant in 1900, and from the War College as a staff captain in 1902. He became staff lieutenant commander on March 9, 1905, staff major on June 14, 1909. He served in varied positions in the army until 1911. He got training in German Army between 1911 and 1912. He served as the 3rd Section Director of the Eastern Rumelia Army (Şarki Rumeli Ordusu) in course of Balkan War. He was appointed to the Military Attaché of Rome on August 10, 1913. He was assigned as the Section Director of the Intelligence of 1st Army on August 3, 1914. During his term of office the First World War was entered. He was appointed as the Section Director of Operations of the 1st Army on November 29, 1914, as the chief of staff of 1st Army on February 12, 1915. Subsequent to his promotion to the rank of staff lieutenant colonel on March 7, 1915, INANC was assigned as Chief of Staff of the 5th Army on March 15, 1915. He became staff colonel on December 14, 1915. He was appointed as Chief of Staff of the Lightning Armies Group on June 12, 1917. He was promoted to major general on March 1, 1918 and was appointed as Deputy Chief of the General Staff on November 5, 1918. He was discharged from his duty on April 11, 1920. He came to Ankara on June 27, 1920 to participate in War of Independence. He was assigned to perform proceedings of security, public order and recruitment in the region of Western Front Command under the command of the Presidency of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM/TGNA). He was assigned as the Undersecretary of Ministry of National Defence on November 12, 1920; as the Chief of the Private Secretariat of Commander-in-Chief on August 8, 1921; as the Commander of the 6th Corps on March 21, 1922. Promoted to the rank of lieutenant general on October 4, 1924 INANC, served as the commander of the 9th Corps on October 7, 1924 and the commander of the 3rd Army on October 31, 1924. He resigned from his duty on June 20, 1925. He was inducted as a Governor of Samsun on August 22, 1926. He retired on October 21, 1928. Lieutenant General Kâzım INANC who had various decorations and medals decorated by the Ottoman Empire, Romania, German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire as well as the Independence Medal and the letter of appreciation (takdirname) decorated by Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA), passed away on September 21, 1938.