Albay Ahmet Fuat BULCA 1881 yılında Selânik’te doğdu. Harp Okulundan 1902 yılında teğmen rütbesiyle mezun oldu. 7 Mart 1905’te üsteğmenliğe, 27 Nisan 1911’de yüzbaşılığa terfi etti. 1912 yılına kadar ordunun çeşitli kademelerinde görev aldı. Trablusgarp Savaşı’nda 24 Ekim 1912’de Bingazi bölgesinde Derne Şark Komutanlığı emrine atandı. 10 Ağustos 1913’te Beylerbeyi Sarayı Muhafız Bölük komutanı, 18 Ekim 1913’te Genel Karargâhta bölük komutanı oldu. 9 Ocak 1914’te kıdemli yüzbaşılığa yükseldi ve müteakiben 18 Şubat 1914’te Trabzon Redif Alayı Komutanlığına getirildi. 10 Ağustos 1914’te 15’inci Alay 3’üncü Tabur komutanı olarak atandı ve bu görevinde iken Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na girildi. 14 Eylül 1915’te binbaşılığa terfi etti. 28 Aralık 1915’te 24’üncü Alay 3’üncü Tabur komutanı, 14 Mayıs 1916’da 23’üncü Alay komutan vekili, 14 Ocak 1917’de 23’üncü Alay komutanı, daha sonra tümen komutanlığı yetkisiyle Murat bölgesi komutanı ve tekrar 23’üncü Alay komutanı olarak atandı. 1918 yılında 23’üncü Alay ile Yıldırım Ordular Grubu emrine tayin edildi ve Derne’de esir düştü. 17 Mart 1920’de esaretten dönerek İstanbul’a geldi. 28 Haziran 1920’de 1’inci Kolordu emrine atandı. 10 Temmuz 1920’de Millî Mücadele’ye katılmak üzere İnebolu’dan Anadolu’ya geçti. 28 Aralık 1920’de 1’inci Tümen Piyade komutanı, 14 Ocak 1921’de 1’inci Tümen komutan vekili ve sonrasında 29’uncu Tümen komutanı olarak atandı. 1 Mart 1921’de yarbaylığa terfi etti ve müteakiben 2 Mart 1921’de Ankara komutanı, 11 Ağustos 1921’de 24’üncü Tümen komutanı, daha sonra bu birliğin lağvedilmesiyle 11’inci Tümen komutanı olarak atandı. 22 Aralık 1924’te albaylığa terfi eden BULCA, 4 Temmuz 1927’de kendi isteğiyle emekli oldu. Rize’den III, IV. ve Çoruh’tan V. dönemlerde milletvekili seçildi. Tayyare Cemiyetinin (Hava Kurumunun) başkanlığını yaptı. Osmanlı Devleti ve Alman İmparatorluğu tarafından verilen çeşitli nişan ve madalyalar ile TBMM tarafından verilen İstiklal Madalyası sahibi olan Albay Ahmet Fuat BULCA, 14 Eylül 1962’de vefat etmiştir.
Colonel Ahmet Fuat BULCA was born in Thessaloniki in 1881. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1902 with the rank of lieutenant. He was promoted to first lieutenant on March 7, 1905, and to captain on April 27, 1911. He served in various echelons in the army until 1912. He was appointed to Derna Eastern Command in the Benghazi region on October 24, 1912 during the Turco Italian War. He became the commander of the Beylerbeyi Palace Guard Company on August 10, 1913, and the commander of the company at the General Headquarters on October 18, 1913. He was promoted to lieutenant commander on January 9, 1914, and subsequently was appointed as the Commander of the Trabzon Redif (Military Reserve) Regiment on February 18, 1914. On August 10, 1914, he was appointed as the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 15th Regiment, and while he was on this duty, the First World War was entered. He was promoted to major on September 14, 1915. On December 28, 1915, he was appointed as the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 24th Regiment, the acting commander of the 23rd Regiment on May 14, 1916, the commander of the 23rd Regiment on January 14, 1917, then the commander of the Murat region with the authority of the division commander and again the commander of the 23rd Regiment. In 1918, he was assigned to the 23rd Regiment and Lightning Armies Group and was captured in Derna. He returned from captivity on March 17, 1920 and came to İstanbul. He was appointed to the command of the 1st Corps on June 28, 1920. On July 10, 1920, he went from İnebolu to Anatolia to participate in the War of Independence. He was appointed as the commander of the 1st Infantry Division on December 28, 1920, acting commander of the 1st Division on January 14, 1921, and later commander of the 29th Division. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel on March 1, 1921, and was subsequently appointed as the Ankara commander on March 2, 1921, as the commander of the 24th Division on August 11, 1921, and later as the commander of the 11th Division after this unit was abolished. BULCA, who was promoted to colonel on December 22, 1924, retired voluntarily on July 4, 1927. He was elected as a deputy from Rize in the III. and IV. terms and from Çoruh in the V. term. He served as the president of the Aircraft Association (Air Institution). Colonel Ahmet Fuat BULCA, who was the owner of various decorations and medals given by the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire and the Medal of Independence given by the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA), passed away on September 14, 1962.